1. David SHATNER (1935-1935)
Born: Apr. 30, 1935 Montreal, QC Died: Dec. 4, 1935 Montreal, QC Burial: Dec. 5, 1935 Age: 7 months
Father: Joseph Mother: GARMAISE, Ann
Source: Drouin city hall birth record for father Joseph SHATTNER [sic], mother Ann GARMAISE;
+  Drouin B'nai Jacob death record for parents, burial Back River Cemetery (no specific section);
GenealogieQuebec.com Deaths for David SHATTNER [sic] for birth 1935-04-30, death 1935-12-04
Notes: B'nai Jacob assumed as most likely section because of death record and use by the GARMAISE family. No monument has been found.
Record Report ResearchGeni
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Records shown: 1